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以年极端洪水超标率来反映区域极端洪水, 分析了新疆区域极端洪水变化; 以年最大洪峰记录分析了天山山区主要河流极端洪水变化规律, 并用14站资料分析了天山山区气候变化特征, 讨论了天山主要河流极端洪水变化对区域气候变化的响应. 结果表明: 受气候变暖影响, 1957-2006年全疆极端洪水呈区域性加重趋势, 尤其南疆区域极端洪水明显加剧, 北疆区域也有加重趋势, 但相对较缓. 全疆及北疆、 南疆在20世纪90年代中期以来都处于洪水高发阶段. 近50 a来, 在新疆区域洪水呈加重趋势的变化背景下, 发源于天山南坡的托什干河和库玛拉克河年最大洪峰流量呈显著增加趋势, 发源于天山北坡的玛纳斯河与乌鲁木齐河年最大洪峰流量虽有增加, 但是变化趋势较缓. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年为界, 天山典型流域托什干河、 库玛拉克河、 玛纳斯河和乌鲁木齐河在20世纪90年代(或80年代)以来与前期相比, 呈现出相似的变化特征: 年最大洪峰流量明显增大, 年际间变化更加剧烈, 洪水年更频繁. 以年最大洪峰流量发生转折年份为界, 玛纳斯河、 托什干河和乌鲁木齐河后期的年最大洪峰集中日期较前期推迟2~9 d, 库玛拉克河却提前5 d. 玛纳斯河、 乌鲁木齐河和库玛拉克河后期的集中度较前期增加0.8%~8.3%, 托什干河减小1.1%. 1961-2010年, 新疆天山山区气温明显上升, 升温率为0.34 ℃·(10a)-1, 1997年以后明显增暖; 天山山区降水显著增加, 增加速率15.6 mm·(10a)-1, 同时极端降水强度增大、 频数增多. 近50 a来天山主要河流极端洪水变化与区域增温以及天山山区极端降水事件增多等有密切关系.  相似文献   

The lower course of the Acheloos River is an important hydrosystem in Greece, heavily modified by a cascade of four hydropower dams upstream, which is now being extended by two more dams in the upper course. The design of the dams and hydropower facilities that are in operation has not considered any environmental criteria. However, in the last 50 years, numerous methodologies have been proposed to assess the negative impacts of such projects to both the abiotic and biotic environment, and to provide decision support towards establishing appropriate constraints on their operation, typically in terms of minimum flow requirements. In this study, seeking a more environmentally-friendly operation of the hydrosystem, we investigate the outflow policy from the most downstream dam, examining alternative environmental flow approaches. Accounting for data limitations, we recommend the basic flow method, which is parsimonious and suitable for Mediterranean rivers, whose flows exhibit strong variability across seasons. We also show that the wetted perimeter–discharge method, which is an elementary hydraulic approach, provides consistent results, even without using any flow data. Finally, we examine the adaptation of the proposed flow policy (including artificial flooding) to the real-time hydropower generation schedule, and the management of the resulting conflicts.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Efstratiadis, A., Tegos, A., Varveris, A., and Koutsoyiannis, D., 2014. Assessment of environmental flows under limited data availability: case study of the Acheloos River, Greece. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 731–750.  相似文献   

The hydrology of water-dependent ecosystems around the world has been altered as a result of flow regulation and extraction for a variety of purposes including agricultural and urban water supply. The flow regime of the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia is no exception, with attendant impacts on the health of the environment. Restoration of parts of the flow regime is a key feature of environmental flow delivery. However, environmental flow delivery in a system that is managed primarily to provide a secure and stable supply for irrigation presents challenges for managers seeking to return more natural flow variability in line with ecosystem requirements. The institutional arrangements governing releases of water from storage can influence the ability of managers to respond to natural cues, such as naturally rising flows in a river. As such, the legal and governance aspects of environmental flow delivery are likely to be important influences on the outcomes achieved.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Banks, S.A. and Docker, B.B., 2014. Delivering environmental flows in the Murray-Darling Basin (Australia)—legal and governance aspects. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 688–699.  相似文献   
近50a以来青海省水资源变化趋势分析   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
选取三江源区主要代表站1956-2000年的年径流量与年降雨量资料,分析青海省三江源区水资源变化趋势.结果表明:青海省三江源区近45a来水资源变化趋势不明显.为了从更广的区域说明问题,对内陆河区青海湖、柴达木盆地的主要代表站1956-2000年的年径流量与年降雨量资料进行了分析,发现除了香日德河年径流量呈现比较明显的增加趋势之外,其它各站的年径流变化趋势均不明显,与三江源区具有相似的变化特征.  相似文献   
近15年来长江黄河源区的土地覆被变化   总被引:63,自引:3,他引:60  
基于长江黄河源区土地生态分类,利用1986年与2000年两期TM遥感数据的对比和野外实地调查,采用景观生态空间分布格局分析方法,从分布面积变化和类型转移趋向与幅度两方面,分析了江河源区近15年来土地生态系统的空间分布变化与演变格局,结果表明:高寒草地退化显著,较高覆盖度高寒草原与高寒草甸面积减少了15.82% 和5.15%,高寒沼泽草甸分布面积锐减了24.36%;湖泊水域萎缩了7.5%,以长江源区内流湖泊为主;土地荒漠化发展十分强烈,沙漠化土地面积扩展了17.11%,其中黄河源区沙漠化土地年平均扩展率达到1.83%。高寒草原草地的覆盖度下降与荒漠化、高寒草甸草地的覆盖度下降与草原化以及沼泽草甸草地的疏干旱化是区域土地生态系统空间演变的主要趋向,并由此改变了土地覆被的空间分布格局并使该区域生态环境持续恶化。  相似文献   
西北气候环境转型信号在新疆河川径流变化中的反映   总被引:72,自引:31,他引:41  
对新疆不同区域、不同补给类型的26条河流年平均径流量变化趋势分析研究,结果显示:大多数河流年径流量从1987年起出现增加趋势,天山山区增加尤其明显,其它地区有不同程度的增加,昆仑山北坡略微有减少.从径流变化来分析,天山山区的气候变化已出现由暖干向暖湿转型的信号,其它地区也正处在转型过程中.  相似文献   
三江并流区地貌与环境演化研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
滇西北三江并流区地理环境演化既受青藏高原隆升的影响,同时又具有自己形成演化的特点,还以纵向岭谷地貌、水系形成演化等影响本区及周边的生态环境.三江并流区经历了古新世中新世地表夷平准平原阶段,中新世末第四纪初的岭盆谷形成发展阶段(高原发育期),更新世晚期以来的现代水系峡谷、纵向岭谷和垂向气候形成等几个时期的发展,形成了现今西南纵向岭谷区的主要组成部分,导致了生态环境的通道阻隔效应,形成了独具特色的自然地理区域.  相似文献   
漂浮植物修复技术净化城市河湖水体试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了漂浮栽培植物修复系统的技术原理、特点与系统组成, 研究了在该系统中种植美人 蕉和旱伞草2 种植物的生长状况以及这些植物对城市河湖水体中氮、磷等的净化效果。尝试了将 漂浮栽培植物与生物接触氧化技术结合起来, 并研究了植物与生物填料的组合系统对水质的改 善效果。结果表明, 美人蕉和风车草在漂浮植物修复系统对氨氮的去除率均在90%以上, 漂浮栽 培植物与软性填料的组合系统对水中CODMn 的去除率达46%以上。  相似文献   
高寒沼泽湿地是青藏高原重要的水源涵养地,其沉积物是研究过去环境变化的重要载体.在三江源区果洛州(GLS)和青海湖北岸(QHHS)选取典型高寒沼泽湿地作为研究样地,调查其植被群落特征,并根据湿地沉积剖面的光释光年代和孢粉数据,分析湿地的古植被和古环境状况.结果表明:优势种(藏嵩草)在三江源区湿地群落和青海湖流域湿地群落中所占的优势度分别是24.43和14.74;从土壤孢粉信息表现出两个沼泽湿地自发育以来植被优势种以莎草科为主. GLS剖面显示,0~50 cm深和80~140 cm深的孢粉浓度显著高于50~80 cm深处的浓度;20 cm以下的沉积物中,花粉浓度与有机质含量呈正相关趋势,与δ13C呈负相关趋势.高寒沼泽湿地中,孢粉数据能较好地反映植物群落中莎草科的优势地位,与现生植物群落具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   
Continuous monitoring of dissolved organic matter (DOM) character and concentration at hourly resolution is rare, despite the importance of analysing organic matter variability at high‐temporal resolution to evaluate river carbon budgeting, river water health by detecting episodic pollution and to determine short‐term variations in chemical and ecological function. The authors report a 2‐week experiment performed on DOM sampled from Bournbrook, Birmingham, UK, an urban river for which spectrophotometric (fluorescence, absorbance), physiochemical (dissolved organic carbon [DOC], electrical conductivity, pH) and isotopic (D/H) parameters have been measured at hourly frequency. Our results show that the river had sub‐daily variations in both organic matter concentration and characteristics. In particular, after relatively high‐magnitude precipitation events, organic carbon concentration increased, with an associated increase in intensity of both humic‐like and tryptophan‐like fluorescence. D/H isotopic ratio demonstrates different hydrological responses to different rainfall events, and organic matter character reflects this difference. Events with precipitation < 2 mm typically yielded isotopically heavy water with relatively hydrophilic DOM and relatively low specific absorbance. Events with precipitation > 2 mm had isotopically lighter water with higher specific absorbance and a decrease in the proportion of microbially derived to humic‐like fluorescence. In our heavily urbanized catchment, we interpret these signals as one where riverine DOM is dominated by storm sewer‐derived ‘old’ organic matter at low‐rainfall amounts and a mixed signal at high‐precipitation amounts where ‘event’ surface runoff‐derived organic matter dominate during storm sewer and combined sewer overflow routed DOM. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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